> 文章列表 > 这个春节你都胖了几斤英文




A: Hi B, long time no see, you look so happy, New Year must be driving. B: Well, very happy, all the family members have gathered and we had a wonderful reunion dinner.


Happy New Year! Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.


1、Spring Festival(春节)

例句: The Spring Festival is drawing near.(春节快要到了)

2、Chinese New Year(中国新年)

例句: Chinese New Year falls on February 12th, 2021.(中国新年在2021年2月12日)


New Year\'s Day(元旦), the Spring Festival(春节), the Lantern Festival(元宵节), International Working Women\'s Day(国际劳动妇女节), April Fool\'s Day(愚人节), Dragon Boat Festival(端午节), Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节), Halloween(万圣节), Christmas(圣诞节).


Sorry to reply to you so late. How\'s the weather on your side? Is it hot? The weather in my city is quite cozy as it is during the Spring Festival. I\'ve received many red envelopes, which is a traditional gift during this period. They symbolize good luck and blessings.


Haha, this is the Eve, and the Spring Festival is coming soon. Our family is sitting in front of the television, waiting for the Spring Festival Gala. It\'s a tradition for many families to watch this special program together on New Year\'s Eve.


It was New Year\'s Eve, a day to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Many guests were invited to our home to celebrate this special occasion. We had a delicious dinner and enjoyed each other\'s company.


During the Chinese Spring Festival, people engage in various activities to celebrate. They set off firecrackers, which is a fine Chinese invention to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. They also participate in dragon and lion dances, visit temples, exchange gifts, and hang red lanterns. Families gather to make and eat traditional Chinese dumplings, symbolizing unity and good fortune.


In Chinese, during the Spring Festival, people often use the phrase \"吃吃喝喝\" (chī chī hē hē) to describe the lavish feasts and celebrations. In English, we can express this as \"feasting and merrymaking.\"


1. Each night, the streets are always clogged with traffic as people rush to prepare for the upcoming Spring Festival.2. Despite the lack of help from others, he perseveres and continues to make preparations for the festival.